Monday 9 April 2012

Morphosis Camp (by Master Gordon Hoo )

Dearest Master Gordon Hoo:

What an excellent Morphosis camp you had done for Zhuoyue your students!  We, Zhuoyue LOVE you much.  Most of the people who went to the camp had their personal breakthroughs!  Thank you indeed for helping and ensuring all of us to find our hearts and know what our lives goals are exactly!  There are no more uncertainties in our lives anymore as we found our hearts and lives goals in this Morphosis camp!
What a dedicated coach you are as you tirelessly with your sweat and tears to teach us.  You had taught us with your whole heart and had even sacrificed your sleeping time just to teach us so that all of us will have personal breakthroughs!!  I had attended many courses or camps in the past, but none of the coaches were like you so dedicated!
In this Morphosis camp, indeed there were many testimonies.  On top of personal breakthroughs of fear, no confident, comfort zone, laziness and so on;  there were reconciliations of husband and wife, mom and daughter/sons, people found God’s love, etc.  Even God’s presence and miracles were in this camp!!  Can you imagine? WOW! So POWERFUL and wonderful indeed!
Thank you master Gordon Hoo for your dedicated team from Singapore who had made this camp ran so smoothly without hip cups. We appreciate their showing up of hard work and sacrifice for us as they were all volunteers without pay.  Thank you Singapore team, you were self less for giving up your time so that our lives will be transformed and be difference!  Indeed master Gordon Hoo, your well mannered and dedicated Singapore team is a result of your great leadership.
We live in this world only temporary.  Life is too precious to just waste it.  So we have to live  MEANINGFUL lives with full of jest, cheers, joy, happiness and so on.  Above all, we must live lives with PURPOSE.  Thus, for those who have yet to attend Gordon Hoo Morphosis camp, I strongly encourage you to attend.  Assure you, if you participate 100% in the Morphosis camp, you will discover who you really are and your life will definitely be 100% transformed.  So don’t waste money at fortune tellers, horoscope and let them tell you who you are and your future, but attend this Morphosis camp and discover who you truly are by yourself!
I am writing this blog at my own will because I had my BIG WOW moment in this camp! My life will guaranteed be transformed for the better!  I had been so blessed so I hope with my sharing you will be blessed as well.
With love,
Jecilyn Lim


  1. Dear Jecilyn,

    Great to know that you had a personal breakthrough during the camp! I'm from Singapore under Mr Gordon's team and we have also seen so many breakthroughs amongst us every time he conducts a session for us.

    Remember that this a process and not just an event and we continue to put into practice what we have learnt and discovered during the camp even after we finish the camp.

    All the best in your life and God bless!

    1. Dear Joseph,

      Thank you for reminding it is a process. Yes, I believe whatever I learn or my fellow colleagues, we will use what we learn throughout our lives! Probably some will be at subsconcious level because master Gordon's teaching had gone deep into the soul!! Not so easy to forget at all.

      That is how powerful this Morphosis camp, as it was not only "surface" learning. Indeed so wonderful!!

      God bless as well!

  2. Hi Jecilyn i agreed with you that the Morphosis camp is a great learning experience and Gordon did a fantastic sharing job in transforming the hearts of many.
    I m one who had breakthrough and i found out there were issues which i didnt address as i had learned to bear with it. In retrospect, these unhappy feeling slowly sucking away my energy without me realised. I was not getting the result i want because of this disconnection between head and heart:(
    Today i seek forgivess and released my heart and soul free. Moving forward i will live with my shadow behind.
    Thank you Gordon Hoo for successfully lead us through the painful yet very meaning process of finding back our hearts.


    1. Dear Terry,

      Indeed so happy for you. Your are light now as you have handled your heart issue. You certainly can fly and soar like an eagle.

      All the very best and success to you


  3. Hi Jecilyn!

    Jian Bang here from the Singapore Team. We the Singapore Team are more than happy to share our experience and time to help make a change in you and the many members in ZhuoYue. I am really glad that you have a personal breakthrough! Now Let's move on to greater challenges with a stronger commitment and a passionate heart!

    I am personally grateful to the guidance by Master Gordon. Having experienced the grace of Morphosis Camp 2 years ago, I was more than ready to help Master Gordon with the recent Morphosis Camp as I was sure that it would help others! More importantly, after this camp I sill learnt to see through newer perspectives and relive my love for my beloved companion; it was really heart-warming and humbling to be in Morphosis once again.

    I want to give my heartiest congratulations to all ZhuoYue members and I encourage all to rise to greater heights and overcome greater hurdles in your life; with an undying resilience galvanized on a passionate heart, we will all lead the life we want!

    Godspeed Jercilyn!

    1. Dear Jian Bang:

      Thank you for your encouragement to all of us Zhuoyue. You are right we must live our lives with passionate heart and live the lives we want!! No if and No but!!


  4. Dear Jecilyn,

    This camp has really been a breakthrough for me & my team! They finally found what they want! They are so motivated to put their, SWEAT, BLOOD & TEARS into this career!

    I really have to say that the abundance i feel after the camp is indescribable. We will not let this feeling die down and will always to continue to remind our self about our heart that beats within us! Thanks Gordon for this wonderful camp, we're really grateful to learn & experience extraordinary things with you!

    Also thanks to the Singapore team, for giving their heart out to share with us, most of my team really need to hear this kind of testimony! i'm really thankful

    Many thanks & regards,

  5. Gordon Hoo 老师,非常感谢你所举办的morphosis camp.我和我的团队及来宾都非常喜欢,三天课程下来,大家都收获满满,充满喜悦和感动,每一个人都有不同的breakthroughs,更了解自己及自己的内心,更有信心面对无法预测的人生各种挑战,也学会自我激励,用心去设定目标和达成的方法。无论是与父母的关系,亲子关系,夫妻关系还是家庭关系,Gordon Hoo 老老师师你都能有独到的见解和精辟的言论,你的幽默戏虐,用心良苦深深让我们感动;也感谢你让我们学会如何选择有意义(meaningful)的事业和人生。这次的morphosis camp也让我体会到如何成为一个有担当的领导,学会如何栽培训练指导业务员,让他们发挥,成才!
    这个morphosis camp的确是我事业的转捩点,它彻底改变了我对组织,训练,爱才的信念,我深信对我的事业和人生来说是一个蜕变,而这个蜕变对我而言将会是一个过程,不间断进行和优化。
    老师,morphosis camp的体验式课程的确能让我们自我启发,领悟并受益终身;谢谢老师无私的教导和付出,谢谢!


  6. From my PT (posted on our team fb)
    Hisham S. Jack: Morphosis Camp really helped me to open my eye to understand more about this business. Before that I just thought this business is all about selling insurance. But now I know this is the best career for those who is really a hard working person. The more you do, more you get. All the ideas from the camp really helped me to help people. Now I'm in process to change to be a 1st type of person. Believe 1st then see.

  7. My thanks to OC, Finexis team and Gordon. Please to update the status of my 4 guests. My 2 FT - Francis commit to make 2012 his best ever by crossing RM400K NBAPI, Laila saw my note and will give her trust in me. My PT Sham, told Francis he saw clarity after attending the Camp, and if Gordon can start all over again, what is his RM3K at the moment. As his current work requires him to give 2 months notice, he says he'll turn FT in July 2012. And my timid guest, Wawa says she wants to test drive our business as PT. Thanks again, Gordon. Appreciated the input you gave my team members. Regards,

  8. 鸡蛋从外面破, 是破死掉. 鸡蛋从里面破是生命, 是一种突破. 真正的成功是由心, 发自内心的突破 ~GORDON HOO
    在这个行业20年了, 很多课程教了我们很多方法, 但Gordon教的不只是方法还包括心法. 从中也让我在接下来的agency building 当中能够重新, 从心再出发. 很难用三言两语跟大家分亨我的感受. 或者就跟大家分亨我一位新伙伴参加3天mopohsis camp过后的感言吧!
    Chiew yin "在偶然的机会下, 刚认识Jacqueline 的我被邀请参加一个活動, 为了想证明及逃避某些事, 我答應了并帶着旅行的心态出席mophosis camp. 三天后的我, 还是我, 可是却是一个拥有健康"心"的我. 对自己未來人生路程该怎麼走, 跌倒了又该如何站起来, 团结的力量, 相信的信念及感恩的心都是我最大的收获.
    Jacqueline teoh

  9. From my FT (posted on our team fb)
    Norlaila Taib (‎12/04/2012):
    Before morphosis camp, dont believe. After morphosis, I see fast journey to MDRT : >

  10. Rahilah Najumudeen13 April 2012 at 08:04

    Sorry for the late reply, took some time to digest the words :) Since Morphosis, I have been learning, re-learning, reflecting on my doings more so than the time I spent my life before meeting you all. :) I am forever indebted to you, Eleen Wong, for being persistently very the persistent in having me join Morphosis :D That I am able to discover the light in my life path, as opposed to how I was leading my life before, is greatly thanks to the camp but do keep in mind it is not limited to only that. It's the companion I had that made the great difference. Yup, it's all of you guys! :)
    Believe me, all of what is shared by each of you all during the darkness within the Circle of Reflection on the last day of the camp is still vivid in my memory. Each of your story are what form the foundation of my inspiration to date, and looking at you all built the foundation in my courage. :)
    I still know not what lies in my future, I'm doing all I can at the moment and will continue on believing in myself towards realising the pledge I made to myself, the very same one I declared during Morphosis. Thank you all for the support you all have given me to date, and to the days to come! I love you all very very much! ♥ :D /sobs Do keep in touch!

  11. Morphosis camp 的确是个很特别的启发课程。
    Morphosis camp 让我们能够认清自己目标,了解目标的意义,克服自己的弱点与盲点。Gordon Hoo 老师在课堂上精辟的言论,对于夫妻的互相尊重之道,对于亲子教育,对于父母的关爱,Gordon Hoo 老师都发表到淋漓尽致。
    在这3天的morphosis camp我与我的团队都有很好的互动,大家能说出心里的话,加深了彼此间的感情。
    对我个人而言,这3天的morphosis camp是我人生的"重生",从"心"开始,从"心"出发!


  12. Dear Jecilyn,

    I want to start by saying my thanks especially to you and all the Zhoueyue leaders. For without outstanding leaders like you guys, I wouldn't have gotten this opportunity to know Gordon let alone experience this Morphosis Camp

    6, 7 and 8 April 2012 marks the most important chapter in my life. The chapter where my life change 180 degree.

    Before the camp, I'm a person who grew up being very independent. Always having to fight for survivor for the family. Because of the upbringing and the experience i have, I have learn not to disclose how i feel. Always wearing a mask when facing with people in my life. The camp has brought new lights into my life. I have learnt to forgive and let go of the grudge i have for this one person. I have learnt to let go.

    I've learnt to make decision from the heart and not just based on logics. I would say is my greatest breakthrough, to be able to express myself wholeheartedly. For the best things in life cannot be seen or heard, it must be felt with the HEART! This verse I have heard many many times but it has never felt so real until the experience in the camp.

    Indeed these painfull breakthrought experience and more will stay with me as i journey thru the process.

    To Gordon, you are indeed God sent. You have touched many hearts and yes you have touched mine as well.

    I've prepared my heart, i've set my goals based on my love one. This process i will be taking to reach my goal is predicted to be full of desert experience but i know what i want. And when i reflect back on the goal that i set, these desert experience will only make me stronger, it will not stop me from reaching my goal. With this believe... i'm looking forward, together with you and the team lets make 2012 our year!

  13. Gordon老师,真的很喜欢你,真心很感激你举办了这个活动,更要感谢我的leader没放弃我。开始时我是第二种人也是下线人,为自己永远找藉口,很没信心的人。现在,在morphosis camp里你让我知道了人生应该活得更精彩更有价值,还教会我‘要做第一种人[belief]也要做上线人[勇气],不再找借口,不再证明自己,不再埋怨别人,我要对我的人生百分之百的负责任。’我在这行业已经十年,从未为什么人或什么事而努力,原来才发现自己从没用心去达成目标,白白浪费了十年。但在morphosis camp里的短短几天,你改变了我启发了我,是我人生中过得最有意义的一次,Gordon老师。。。你让我感动了,我找回我的心,也知道应该怎么去经营我的心了。让我拿出勇气克服我的障碍,决心做个有信念的人。接下来的几个月,我要从心开始为我爱和爱我的人组织一个完美人生。我想起了这激励的话:

  14. Breakthrought Morphosis Camp - Master gordon, 真是非一般的Morphosis camp, 让我有了‘心的突破’,从心再出发,让我的团队有了心与心的沟通,从内心激發了一股动力, 这股动力将让我和团队一齐克服困戁与障礙,勇于为真爱付出与承担。这股力量将握着我們奔向更美好的人生。感恩morphosis camp感謝Master Gordon.也感謝 singapore team 的付出。 Ai Tee

  15. Dear Coach. We have just completed a team activity yesterday, one of many that we have been doing within our group since our Morphosis with you last Nov 2011. I am happy and proud to share with you that the Morphosis spirit is still strong with us and we bonded very much as a team then, all till today. The goals that we have set during Morphosis have aligned our hearts and our career and run deep with us in our deeds, our thoughts and our work everyday.

    Because of this vision and desire, despite the challenges we face in our work we still plough on. Our belief is solid and we always have the feeling that we are no longer alone. This is one of the best feeling one could ever ask for and brings tears to our eyes whenever we recall our moments. We have each other now and we have YOU, coach ! Here are great words to epitomize what I wish to express....

    “In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. And we should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit."
    ~ Albert Schweitzer, philosopher

    A big thank you from all of us in Verity to our coach Gordon for being that someone to us.


  16. Dear coach Gordon,

    I and my team members went through the Morphosis camp in Nov 2011. One of the significant transformation is that now I am using the Morphosis language to continue to have heart to heart talk with the consultants.

    Statement like..
    1) desert will always be there, everybody has it, it is a perceived obstacles but when you focus on your goal, which is connected through the heart, you will walk through the desert.

    2) the little voices in our head, the good wolf, the bad wolf are always there, you can't kill the bad wolf, but the one you feed, the good wolf, will grow and over power the bad wolf.

    Last Sat during our group meeting, two young consultants shared despite the many obstacles, rejections, but their belief is unshaken because they know very clearly now, the biggest enemy is themselves.. not the environment outside. If they were to succeed, is because they wanted to, and the strength to pursue and continue was rooted deeply through the Morphosis program.

    I am truly glad I brought my team to attend the Morphosis, so we are united, cheer, and speak all the positive above the line language. Thanks coach for creating such an impactful environment.

    Edmund Tai, PFA Asia

  17. Dear Gordon,

    My team & I joined the Morphosis camp in last year.

    This camp has really been a breakthrough for me and my team!! Why I say so??

    I have never attended a course or a camp like this!! This is not only a motivation camp; it is included for the couple's mutual respect, parenting, and parental care. I love this so much because my hubby change a lot and our mind are closer.

    Besides, my team has a heart to heart communication and inspires a wave of momentum from the heart. This momentum will allow the team together and I stand in awe and obstacles to overcome hardship, and the courage to pay for true love and commitment. This force will hold us toward a better life. (Last month, my team just runs the “谢谢你的真心话”activity. It makes my team spirit get higher!!)

    I still remember these 4 days 3 nights is my most suffer period in my life, is because I had chickenpox during the first day in Morphosis camp. However, I entreat Gordon let me stay to end, I know I will get more. If I leave, I lost everything! Luckily, my team appreciates my hardwork!! All worthwhile.

    Last year, they fight until the end and make my team growth 20%. And I have one part time agent convert to full time at beginning of the year. Also, they initial to arrange hospital road show, participant in training section, passion to share & teach!! Amazing team work…I love it.

    Thank you for your teach and lead, infinite gratitude.


    Bowie Tan

  18. Dear Master Gordon Hoo,

    It was my fortune to have attended your Morphosis Camp. After my participation in your camp, such an indecisive person I am has the courage to make a decision for myself once and for all! I have found my own drive to success. I realized that it is not about the figure I can earn like what I always thought, but it is the value behind the figure which I can create from it. This is the powerful force that will guide me through all the challenges ahead!

    I sincerely thank you for your kind effort to make the change in my life. To Zhuo Yue team, thank you for making this camp happened. I really appreciate it. To Singapore team, thank you for spending your valuable time with us. Each of your sharing indeed inspiring! And I will not forget to thank all the participants; because of your participation in the camp I had learned something from you.

    The end of the Morphosis Camp has marked the start of my new journey. I will be persistence in whatever I do. The moment I had made my choice, there will not be any back door for me. I can only move forward without turning back. Success is the only destination I am heading to.

    Last but not least, I wish everyone all the best in everything you do and may God bless everyone all the time.

    Best regards,

  19. Gordon Hoo 老师,
    Morphosis Camp 让我学会用心来面对我自己,用心来看这世界,重新诠释我的人生。Gordon 老师说过,凡要做一件事,不能用眼睛看。用肉眼看目标,往往很快就会放弃了!我把我爱的人,和我的团队,放在我的心里,这美好的感觉,将陪我和我的团队征服保险这块沙漠。为什么活着要有遗憾?Life is either a daring adventure or nothing!

    michelle PKMY

  20. Mr Master Gordon,
    非常谢谢老师在 Morphosis Camp 里所分享的一切。你让我上了很宝贵的一课!
    如此practical的活动,真的让我感到惊讶了一下,不过只要100%的投入,就会发现这些活动是多有Powerful在里面。Morphosis camp 让我学会了如何guide我们的的心,如何由心而发。
    诚心的谢谢老师和Singapore Team,你们在我们的心里,实在的,打了一支强心针,让我们坚强了我们的心,勇敢的一起踏出这个沙漠!赞=)

    With Regards,

  21. My sincere thanks to Zhou Yue group of leaders and master trainer Gordon Hoo for this self-enlightening camp! This camp made me realize that what drives us is that which lies deep in our hearts. Without it, we will be lost and never live up to our potential.

    During the camp, Gordon showed us that when we bring out our heart's desire, it overcomes our logical limitations, negativity and fears. And releases our self-believe, confidence and high energy.

    Thanks for making me see and believe in going beyond myself!!!

    With good wolves howling,
    Kok Meng

  22. 非常感激卓越集团,让我有这个难得的机会来参加Morphosis Camp。 这个Camp对我的人生有着非常重大的意义,也是我人生其中一个重要的转折点。当工作上遇到难题和挑战时,它让我勇敢地去面对自己的恶狼。回想起Morphosis Camp时,无形的力量会一直支持着我去克服它,因为我知道事情的背后有着重大的意义,那就是为了我最心爱的家人。当我的心想到家人时,感觉就会很温暖,整个人会变得更坚强,更坚定。这是我第一次深深地感受到什么叫做用“心”,它给了我很多很多的力量。

    Loon Sheng

  23. 还没上 morphosis camp 时以为它是一般的teambuilding 活动,上了Gordon Hoo 老师的morphosis camp 后,才发现原来它是如此的震撼人心!
    morphosis camp 也让我的团队成员更加了解彼此,让大家剖析内心深处,学会用心体会加入寿险行业的目的与责任,让大家能够互相扶持,互相鼓励,整个团队变得更加有向心力与凝聚力。

    Rebecca Leong

  24. 我上过很多课程及训练,但是Morphosis Camp给我的震撼是我从来没有体会过的。MC 让我自己第一次与自己的心那么的靠近,也第一次让我听到自己的inner voice,从而唤醒我内心的“好狼”不要再沉睡下去了,也不好把沙漠与高山当成是自己无法突破的借口和障碍。


    真的要对Gordon老师salute, 他的用心及深入浅出的引导我们找回自己,帮助我们告别迷茫彷徨,从而突破自己,从心出发,那是多么有价值及难忘的一次体验啊!


    感谢PK,Michell,CL 的用心良苦,感恩团队的扶持,祝福大家在MC之后,一定要日益茁壮,让我们一同成长自己,成全别人。

    最感激的,当然是我们的精神Master,让我们又哭又笑,带我们从卵、毛毛虫、蛹到蝴蝶走一圈,帮助我们找到人生定位的Gordon Hoo 老师!无限感激!铭感五中! 谢谢!

    PKMY Group

  25. My Master Gordon Hoo,

    對PKMY成員的关心和相互鼓勵也開始增加了.PK和Michelle,很感激您們用心良苦引導我參加這個camp.Thanks a lot......
    我是第一種人,也是線上人.我不責備他人,不合理化自己,也不再找藉口,我對我的人生百分百的負責任.我一定會記得!!!!! 謝謝.

    With Regards,

  26. Gordon 老师,
    之前,我错把焦点放在问题上,所以迟迟都不敢做全职。在参加morphosis camp以后,我才知道,我应该把焦点放在目标上,然后从心出发,克服出现在面前的高山、沙漠和坏狼,朝目标前进。

    在此,也要感谢PK和Michelle的支持和鼓励,让我有机会参加这个让我更加了解自己内心的morphosis camp。


    Best Rgds,
    Wong Y S

  27. 上过了Morphosis Camp 的课程,我是打从心底的感激我们的 Gordon 老师,一班尽心尽力的新加坡team, 当然还有我最爱的团队,PKMY gruop.

    感谢Gordon老师的用心,Morphosis camp 的每个活动我都体会甚多。尤其是将心connect 到我们的目标,并且从心里对我们最爱的人喊出最真实的话语时的那股震撼和感动,至到现在我都还不能忘怀。

    guard my heart, 守护自己的心,不要被坏狼打倒!! 谢谢 ^^

    PKMY Group

  28. First of all , I would like to thanks to Master Gordon Hoo and Singapore Team, your camp is really fantastic. I have learned a lot of things during the camp and now I am decided to use them the rest of life.

    The most important thing that I have learned is everything I must do with my heart, so that the success rate will be much more higher. That means If I do not following my heart, nothing else I have done or success in my life, because my ‘bad wolves’ may effect on me to give up easily , if one day I really meets the ‘dessert’.

    This Morphosis Camp is helping me to confront of my ‘bad wolves’. This is a best camp ever that I have been, so I wish Master Gordon Hoo and Singapore Team all the best.

    PKMY Group
    Fook Wah

  29. I like to thank my Zhou Yue leaders for inviting me to attend this morphosis camp. It gave me a totally new experience and enlightenment that whatever I do must come from my heart. I had never had this kind of training before. I realised I am a fortunate person and am grateful to my parents and loved ones for what I have. I will not compare with others and gives excuses. I can achieve much more and be successful if I put my heart and soul in it and to overcome my bad wolves.I also resolve to make it my business to help others. Thank you also to Master Gordon Hoo and his team for sharing their experiences and success with us.

    Best Rgds,
    Lee SC (MLK)

  30. Thank you master Gordon Hoo and Zhuoyue member. Attend the course of the meaningful Morphosis Camp, I learning what is Good wolf and bad wolf, do not be bad wolf down. I am always finding an excuse, not very confident our weakness and barrier. Doing everything is start from the HEART.  Made me a better understanding myself.. No more excuses, I am 100% responsible for my life.
    MLK/ Shirley  

  31. 当课程要完成之前,我写了这段话作为我的感言。
    “在还没有去Morphosis Camp之前,我以为这是一个户外的team building。三天过后,才发现这不是一个户外的活动,而是一个全内心的,自我内心疗程。内在的发现,不是这么容易的能够了解,在这里我发现了自己真正的问题,我的坏狼一直陪伴着我,而我也一直在喂着它。Gordon Hoo 老师帮助我们每个人认清自己,了解自己。相信每个人都因此找到自己心里要的那一块。谢谢Gordon Hoo老师,你实实在在的唤醒了我。”

    MLK Jennifer

  32. Dear Jecilyn,

    First of all, i would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for believing in me. (though it takes 2 years for you to convince me that i should be in this industry). To convince me that the only way to support my family is to be in the financial industry. I was a type 2 person all these while and now I AM TYPE 1 since the Morphosis Camp and will forever be TYPE 1 person.

    Mr Gordon Hoo, sorry that i didn't get a chance to personally thank you on the last day of the Morphosis Camp. Thank you Gordon Hoo. Thank you for the breakthrough moment in the Morphosis Camp. All these years i have been working so hard earning money but my goal was blurred by other external factors. After the Morphosis camp and the breakthrough, it has now become the ONE and ONLY reason why i am in this industry, which is for my family. Like you mentioned during your talk @ Tropicana Golf Club - Poverty Stops with ME! and that really HITS me straight to my heart because i can relate it to my family. My family is not poor nor rich, but i know for sure my family sacrificed A LOT for me and my sister. Struggled all their life just to bring us up, doing extra hours to pay for our food and education. And now, starting the day i am a a FULL TIME agent, they can stop all the hard work and enjoy their life.

    Thank for making me realize that goal. Which is also the reason for me to become FULL TIME after day 1 in the Morphosis camp. In this Morphosis Camp (2012 - Johor), i learned about my goals and how to use my heart and not just my mind.

    I am now looking forward to the next Morphosis camp to learn more about myself. To have stronger connection between my HEART and my BRAIN.

    Till we meet again, Thank you again Gordon Hoo.

    Ben Sim (FULL TIME Agent - Kl Glorious)

  33. 非常感激Gordon Hoo老师和新加坡团队这几天的用心教导,付出与牺牲。虽然短短几天的Morphosis Camp足以让我和我的团队领悟到了自己的信心。同时也让我领悟到如何用我们的心,来面对未来人生所发生的每一件事。Gordon Hoo老师也在这次的Morphosis Camp让我领悟到如何成为第一种人,那就是线上人。我学会了如何设定我的目标,也让我很明确的把目标设定献给我的家庭。我很高兴这一次的Morphosis Camp让所有我的团队都深深感触及突破自己的障碍。我要抛开坏狼,从“心”百分之百的对我的人生负责任。把我和我的团队从沙漠带领到应许之地。

    ML JSR Anthony Heng

  34. Banyak terima kasih kepada Cikgu Gordon Hoo...the true story of HELLEN KELLER & ANNE SULLIVAN open our heart, giving us more confident that life is not easy to give up toward successfully.

    Ms Chye

  35. 在这Morphosis Camp里,我了解到由蛹至蝴蝶,是不简单的蜕变.
    在这Morphsis Camp里, 谢谢Gordon老师,新加坡的学长,马六甲的团队及所有的同伴们的教导及协助,使我在这里能更认清自己,了解自己。更为今天,明天及每一天的生活努力,因为我知道我为什么而努力。

    MLK, Valerie Gan

  36. i would extend my thanks to Master Gordon as he did a fantastic job during the morphosis camp! Every activity was great and each of my members had their breakthrough! Now they've found their "heart" again and will work harder.

    Thank you so much!


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