Monday 9 April 2012

Morphosis Camp (by Master Gordon Hoo )

Dearest Master Gordon Hoo:

What an excellent Morphosis camp you had done for Zhuoyue your students!  We, Zhuoyue LOVE you much.  Most of the people who went to the camp had their personal breakthroughs!  Thank you indeed for helping and ensuring all of us to find our hearts and know what our lives goals are exactly!  There are no more uncertainties in our lives anymore as we found our hearts and lives goals in this Morphosis camp!
What a dedicated coach you are as you tirelessly with your sweat and tears to teach us.  You had taught us with your whole heart and had even sacrificed your sleeping time just to teach us so that all of us will have personal breakthroughs!!  I had attended many courses or camps in the past, but none of the coaches were like you so dedicated!
In this Morphosis camp, indeed there were many testimonies.  On top of personal breakthroughs of fear, no confident, comfort zone, laziness and so on;  there were reconciliations of husband and wife, mom and daughter/sons, people found God’s love, etc.  Even God’s presence and miracles were in this camp!!  Can you imagine? WOW! So POWERFUL and wonderful indeed!
Thank you master Gordon Hoo for your dedicated team from Singapore who had made this camp ran so smoothly without hip cups. We appreciate their showing up of hard work and sacrifice for us as they were all volunteers without pay.  Thank you Singapore team, you were self less for giving up your time so that our lives will be transformed and be difference!  Indeed master Gordon Hoo, your well mannered and dedicated Singapore team is a result of your great leadership.
We live in this world only temporary.  Life is too precious to just waste it.  So we have to live  MEANINGFUL lives with full of jest, cheers, joy, happiness and so on.  Above all, we must live lives with PURPOSE.  Thus, for those who have yet to attend Gordon Hoo Morphosis camp, I strongly encourage you to attend.  Assure you, if you participate 100% in the Morphosis camp, you will discover who you really are and your life will definitely be 100% transformed.  So don’t waste money at fortune tellers, horoscope and let them tell you who you are and your future, but attend this Morphosis camp and discover who you truly are by yourself!
I am writing this blog at my own will because I had my BIG WOW moment in this camp! My life will guaranteed be transformed for the better!  I had been so blessed so I hope with my sharing you will be blessed as well.
With love,
Jecilyn Lim